Free Workshops
The Bear offers free workshops featuring some of the festival’s finest musicians, singers, and other artists who share their talent, experience, and knowledge.
2025 Schedule
In Hancock Park
2:00 p.m. Clawhammer and Old-Time Banjo Picking Styles with Keilan Aplin
Whether you’re interested in learning to play clawhammer style banjo or looking to expand your picking styles, this workshop with Keilan Aplin from Athens, GA, is a great fit for everyone interested in exploring the variety of banjo playing methods and techniques in old-time music.
3:00 p.m. Ballads and Songs with Hannah From
Step into the enchanting world of Appalachian ballads with Hannah Sage From. Hannah was introduced to the beauty of ballads and Appalachian music as a young Pick and Bow student. During the workshop, you will hear beautiful ballads, discover the history, and even learn to sing a ballad or two.

Esther Morgan-Ellis leads a shape-note singing workshop on April 20, 2024, at Bear on the Square, Appalachian music and arts festival, in Dahlonega, Georgia.
4:00 p.m. Guitar for Singers with Joe Newberry
Tracing musical DNA from Doc Watson, John Hurt, Maybelle Carter, Norman Blake, Leadbelly, this workshop will have your fingers doing the walking and you doing the talking. Great for pickers who like to sing, and vice versa.
5:00 p.m. Old-Time Slow Jam with Ann Whitley and John Day
Join Pick & Bow instructors and students in an old-time slow jam. We will play common tunes at an approachable pace. All are welcome!
1:00 Adding to Old-Time Guitar Rhythm with Evan Kinney
Playing rhythm on guitar in old-time music can be more than just a “boom-chuck” chord. Learn from Evan Kinney (Pine Lake, GA) how to mix up your playing with runs and other licks that tastefully back up old-time music from the styles of early recorded musicians in Georgia like Riley Puckett and John Dilleshaw.
2:00 p.m. Bluegrass Slow Jam with Bill Long
This bluegrass jam is open to all. Participants can request their favorite tunes and songs, which will be led at a moderate pace.
Holiday Inn Express Conference Room
11:00 a.m. Sacred Harp Singing with Esther Morgan-Ellis
The collection of shape-note songs known as The Sacred Harp was first published in Georgia in 1844, but today people sing this wonderful music all over the world. In this workshop, you will be provided with a brief introduction to the history and practice of Sacred Harp singing and then have an opportunity to sing some favorite songs out of the book. Sheet music will be provided, but the melodies can also be learned by ear, and there will be some experienced singers in every section. If you have your own book (1991 Denson revision), please bring it!
12:00 noon Bluegrass Fiddle with Conner Vliestra
1:00 p.m. Bluegrass Banjo with Trevor Holder
2:00 p.m. Fiddle Tunes with Lyrics Old-Time Jam led by Max and Maggie
Fiddle tunes have lyrics too! Max Godfrey and Maggie Hall from Atlanta bring their high energy old-time duo sound to this special fiddle tunes jam with plenty of singing. All instruments are welcome.
3:00 p.m. Musical Saw with Cindy Olsen
Learn to play the musical saw! This instrument descends from the ingenuity of early mountain dwellers, who lacked access to professionally built instruments but still wanted to make music. The common saw can be easily adapted to produce a beautiful musical sound. Cindy will demonstrate how to play a melody on the saw and will have plenty of instruments available for everyone to try!
4:00 p.m. New England Fiddle Tunes with Ed Howe
Ed Howe is a renowned fiddler and sound engineer. Playing fiddle since he was 4, he has created an innovative style bringing groove and dance rhythms to traditional music. Over the past 35 years, he has played in many bands as well as toured around the United States playing contra dance music and bluegrass. In this workshop, Ed will teach fiddle tunes from the New England tradition that are great for dancing. All are welcome.
5:00 p.m. New England Tunes Jam with Ed Howe
Stick around after Ed’s workshop to pick up some more tunes in a moderate-paced jam! Players who missed the workshop are also welcome to join. Then head over to the Main Stage at 7 pm to join a contra dance with Ed on the fiddle.
1:00 p.m. Georgia Fiddle Tune Revue with Sasha Hsuczyk and Mick Kinney
Sample several Georgia fiddle tunes from Sasha and Mick, from Pine Lake, GA, who will bring a good mix of history, technique, and style to participants in this workshop. All instruments are welcome.
2:00 Pickin’ Porch Jam
All are welcome to join local old-time players for a jam. Members of Pickin’ Porch, who meet most Fridays at noon in the UNG Appalachian Studies Center, always look forward to sharing their music and community with visitors on the final afternoon of Bear on the Square.
3:00 p.m. New Old-Time Fiddle Tunes with Andy Howard
Although the word “old” is right there in the name of this tradition, old-time musicians write and play new tunes on a regular basis. Atlanta fiddler and clogger Andy Howard will teach some of his favorite recent tunes and introduce you to a few of the folks who are producing great new old-time tunes today. Come collect some new repertoire! Andy is an instructor at the Frank Hamilton School in Decatur.
Vickery House on W. Main St. across from the UNG Campus
1:00 – 2:30 p.m. Flat-footing 101 with T. Paul Anderegg
Come to watch or come to dance as award-winning instructor and master flat-footer Paul Anderegg from North Carolina will introduce the student to the funny stories, history, styles, steps and all-out fun of Appalachian percussive step dance. There is a strong emphasis on keeping things simple. There will be demonstrations, practice sessions, questions, and music for all to enjoy. No special shoes or partner required.
Paul Anderegg has traveled widely through Appalachia studying many old time master flat-footers and buck dancers through filming and oral interviews. He teaches classes, does interpretive programs, demonstrations, and has a published DVD instructional video. He has danced at the Kennedy Center and for the Library of Congress in Washington, DC., as part of TED Talks, and once turned down an opportunity to do a commercial for Geico Insurance.